Wednesday 9 May 2012

Yeah, Its tonty wone now.

My hair fall rate has gone up drastically, my mom's been talking too much about marriage, suddenly everybody looks at me like the before-using-age-miracle kind of women in the commercial ads, people have started associating words like mature, responsible, thoughtful all of a sudden. No, I'm not turning 30, just 21.

Wondering why such hoopla? Because 21 sounds crazy. 21 sounds old. And yeah and people around me go,  oh! YOU ARE 21. Its not like I am turning 45, still unmarried and jobless sitting at home.

Anyways, I can only say, Its all in the mind. Okay I am sounding auntyish. The mind thing is true though.

I have my insecurities yes!, but that does not stop me from celebrating my birthday. I am legally an adult.

I have exams. So celebrations would happen a little post the actual date.

This could probably be the most experimental year by far. C'mon now I am sitting at home, jobless, hoping to crack the entrance exams by playing games, talking crap, sleeping, dreaming  and studying (occasionally).

Crossing the heart and hoping everything would fall in place.

Goodbye 20, you have been awesome in every way. Couldn't have asked for more. Ask 21 to be good and well behaved. 

tonty wone ( twenty one ) beckoning! :)




  1. Happy B'day big gal.......Hope ur tonty wone rocks.....n exams vil not stop i thk u should stop playin dat addictive game for a while......I pray 21 brings more happiness fun laughter....n lots of succes
    God Bless:-):-):-):-):-)<3<3<3<3<3
    p.s: miss d fun tym....:-(:-(:-(:-(

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Haha..Thank you so much. I am deleting the game and yes I miss the fun too.:( <3 <3 <3
