I was on a monthly visit to the super market with my parents ( Its been like a mini picnic since we landed at hyd), when something unusual happened. We came out with four huge bags, dumped them in the dikki and went to drink sugarcane juice. Just as we stepped out of the shop,a lady came running towards my Mom. My Mom moved away in defense and the lady was talking slowly taking ample of breaks to breath.
My Mom would hear none and sat into the front seat of the car. She pleaded looking at me and started telling that she wasn't a beggar. She then told us that, she was suffering from liver cancer and was finding it difficult to even move. But, she wanted to secure her son's future and leave him at her sister's house in Bangalore. She had her adoption papers in her hand. She just wanted Rs. 70, which would help her save some money and help her son reach Bangalore. All this was narrated in English.
It could have been a ploy, but her eyes were pleading for help. There was too much pain in them. She was well read, which could be easily guessed with the way she communicated. It left me wondering about a lot of things and how everything turns upside down in matter of seconds? How somethings are never in our hands?
It made me feel blessed. Yes, I should have felt that way before I saw her, but I was too caught in my own thought web that I was shutting myself up because somethings were going in a different direction. I kept thinking about things that weren't going my way all the time sidelining all the achievements or love that I have been blessed with. It feels good to count your blessings because at times life has to be looked from different angles.
All the things that have been happening over the past one week has been an experience. Things are changing rapidly and luckily I'm coping through them very well. Its not easy to leave everything behind, but when you have made the choice you've made it. There's no looking back.
These small things are making me realize some big things in life.
Just before she left, she looked at me and said "God Bless You" and I silently prayed for her well being all the while thanked her for what she had taught.
When your let down, look around and look at the people who think you are their reason for living. You'll have a very being reason to smile.
In the end everything will fall into place and you'll know why exactly things didn't happen the way you wanted. Also, not everyone is as blessed as you are. So, smile not getting a message from your crush, not getting your favourite ice cream or not getting the clothes you wanted for some body's pajama party is no reason to be sad. There is something more to life than these things. The minute you realize that, you'll get a better control over life and its share of ups and downs.
My Mom would hear none and sat into the front seat of the car. She pleaded looking at me and started telling that she wasn't a beggar. She then told us that, she was suffering from liver cancer and was finding it difficult to even move. But, she wanted to secure her son's future and leave him at her sister's house in Bangalore. She had her adoption papers in her hand. She just wanted Rs. 70, which would help her save some money and help her son reach Bangalore. All this was narrated in English.
It could have been a ploy, but her eyes were pleading for help. There was too much pain in them. She was well read, which could be easily guessed with the way she communicated. It left me wondering about a lot of things and how everything turns upside down in matter of seconds? How somethings are never in our hands?
It made me feel blessed. Yes, I should have felt that way before I saw her, but I was too caught in my own thought web that I was shutting myself up because somethings were going in a different direction. I kept thinking about things that weren't going my way all the time sidelining all the achievements or love that I have been blessed with. It feels good to count your blessings because at times life has to be looked from different angles.
All the things that have been happening over the past one week has been an experience. Things are changing rapidly and luckily I'm coping through them very well. Its not easy to leave everything behind, but when you have made the choice you've made it. There's no looking back.
These small things are making me realize some big things in life.
Just before she left, she looked at me and said "God Bless You" and I silently prayed for her well being all the while thanked her for what she had taught.
When your let down, look around and look at the people who think you are their reason for living. You'll have a very being reason to smile.
In the end everything will fall into place and you'll know why exactly things didn't happen the way you wanted. Also, not everyone is as blessed as you are. So, smile not getting a message from your crush, not getting your favourite ice cream or not getting the clothes you wanted for some body's pajama party is no reason to be sad. There is something more to life than these things. The minute you realize that, you'll get a better control over life and its share of ups and downs.
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