Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Namma is!

My first out station audit came after I put down my papers. And, It was Chennai. They had their reasons in place for sending me there. Still, it was Chennai.

OK, Chennai was never one of my favourite places. To start with, I had quite a few unpleasant experiences over the years. I was never a frequent visitor but then I dint complain. Chennai never felt home.

Perceptions Change. Yes, three days stay in Chennai changed my view about it ( little more than partially ).
The best thing about the city is its traffic. The most well organised I have seen in a long time. Atleast, when you compare it to the ruthless traffic of Hyderabad, Chennai seems heavenly. The food ( Read: Saravana Bhavan ) is freaking awesome.

The breeze at the beach is soothing. It takes you to a different world. And of course no language barrier just adds to the fun.

There is more to Chennai, I know. But, I am the queen of laziness.

I could only go to the beaches as I chose to stay abode on Sunday because it was HOT outside.

The work was pretty chilled out. Again, No language barrier helped.

I did learn something about me , never have pre-conceived notions about anything. Often, I tend to take on somebody else's thought and form my opinion/notions based on it. That only lead to a narrowed life. What I realised is, the more you are open, the more you enjoy. Its simple, go with the flow and form opinions based on what you see and not what you hear/ made to hear.   


To whoever started Saravana Bhavan,

Please open a branch in Hyderabad. your bank balance would double up. If it doesn't, You can anyways cover up for your losses considering the number of successful branches you have across the world. Give it a thought. Hyderabadis are foodies.

 So, Namma* Chennai it is. ! ( My Dad is Super Happy about the development) :D

* Translates into Our Chennai.

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