Wednesday, 7 December 2011

A year gone by.

Another year passes by and I'm still single. :(
OK, I cant do much about that now. Working in a Big 4 and being in one of their important clients paralyses every part of your life. And If the client place has all the uncles and aunties of Hyderabad .. that's when you realise that at times hopes are hopeless :| :| .

OK, the post is not on Iamtiredofbeingsingle (I am ), its a miniature timeline, about how life has been in the past 12 months.

The year that was and more...

The first few months of 2011 were the last few days of my college life. And boy! were they fun. Every moment was lived.
Now, when I look back, I want to go back to those days where I could be irresponsible, carefree, laugh at the silliest stuff ( most people in Big 4 cant laugh , not at work at least. ), text all through day and night, jump out of windows to bunk, sit in the canteen and HOG like never-seen-food-before. God! I have those-were-the-days kinda feeling now. Never mind,its over and  I PASSED my final year exams. And I am a GRADUATE.  :D :D :D

I got placed and Life's screwed since then. Yes, i had my moments. I did somethings that i always wanted to do ( somethings are better guessed than told ) and it was crazy. ;) The best part of course would come on the 29th of each month...SALARY ( It vanished faster than it would come ).
Other than that, some good friends, some off site training trips, some lessons well learnt and aspirations realised. Totally sums up my first job.

It also had some first timers ( very few though) :
- Starting from my first job. My first salary.
- My first night party at a pub. ( it was just the start )
- My first 10 day away from home training trip to Bangalore. ( Fun, It was! )

Best things in life are unplanned. So has been the year. 

Its been a year of euphoria...Some first timers, Some happy moments, Some not so happy moments, Some confrontations, Some realisations, Some confused moments, Some complicated talks, Some awesome nights/days, and Some nicely weird feeling. Loved and lived every moment.

Cheers 2011! ;)

2012- eagerly awaiting your arrival. :)   

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Changes - order of my life.

Some relationships need time, space and patience. Such are the ones that last.
Running behind something and trying to keep a hold on everything that they do will only lead to a fall-out. At times its best to distance yourself from somethings to get back to your sane self. 

I Don't know how the change happened, but I'm glad that it did. I'm coming back to my normal self. Ignoring is not my habit and trying to do that is stupidity ( I tried doing it. Stupidity, I know! ). After some by-default introspection, I figured out that I did some dumb unlike-me stuff for lame reasons :|. And I'm beaming that, It all changed for good.

The change is attributed to a friend, who was at the receiving end all this while and strangely bore with all the nonsense and never complained ( If it was me, all hell would have broken loose) . Thanking would not be enough and apologies would probably undermine the friendship. Such is the relationship I enjoy. :) :)

I am learning new facets about myself and life seems to be a roller coaster ride for now. My mood swings are at an all time high. As they say, its just a matter of time before I eventually settle down. ( Hopefully )

Coming back to my randomness  :P

Doing something that you never thought you would is fun, no matter how silly or dumb it is.
I deactivated my facebook account ( part of a challenge ). And considering the fact that I was insanely addicted to it, I would take it to be an achievement. :P I know, until when is the question. Let's see. ;)

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Better Job considerations.

Ad mist Stringent deadlines and almost sleepless nights people at my current client place have almost lost their sanity. Sadly, this time work's not the only thing to be blamed coz, the works just started. The blame totally falls on the so-called bonus that has been declared by my aapiss (office).

With so much displeasure around, a friend casually stated something that made me laugh my tummy out and then ponder over it.

What If, we apply for a security personnel's job.

Just think,
1. He gets to sit at one place and does work like making sure the courier is sent, registering the details of who's coming in and going out.
2. More PAY. ( Yes, its more than the first stage of the hierachy and he has increments. :| )
3. No Over time.
4. He can talk over the phone all the time, FREE of cost. ( office phone )
5. No khit-pit from the client.
6.  Fixed job timings.

And I figured out that the security personnel in my office is a  B.A. graduate. :o  I have the I-dont-know-how-to-react expression on my face.

The negative points would be the blue and blue uniform and he doesn't get a laptop.

But, aren't making compromises a part of life. ;)

Considerations start. :P